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Practical Methods of Working with a Small Space Furniture

The speaker of the International School of Design, decorator Elena Lagutina revealed practical methods of working with a small space.

The area and geometry of space is a given, a starting point in the work of an interior designer. When starting work on the interior, first of all, you should carefully study the space: the area and proportions, the height of the ceilings, the size of the windows, as well as the architectural features of the room (ledges, niches, columns). Analyze what advantages and disadvantages does it have? How to use advantages and what can be done with disadvantages? I will share with you practical techniques that will help to cope even with the most difficult task.


We all know that mirrors are the simplest and most effective technique that allows you to visually push the boundaries of a room, but do not forget that this property has not only a mirror, but any reflective surface. For example, glossy cabinet doors or a transparent table top visually facilitate the design and “dissolve” it in space. By the way, furniture on legs also visually expands the room. The second effective technique is the same flooring in adjacent rooms. So you remove the border between the rooms, and the space of each zone will smoothly flow from one to another.


The ideal geometry of the room is the dimensions close to the square, but what if we have an elongated room? Do not despair, there are tricks here too! Firstly, consider the principles of zoning the space: podium, carpet, furniture arrangement - crushing the room into zones will visually reduce the length of the room. In no case do not line the furniture along the walls - this will only emphasize the elongation of the space and turn the room into a tunnel. A reception with built-in furniture is very effective, allowing you to visually “push” the end wall, thereby changing the initial dimensions of the room.


Few of us boast high ceilings in our apartment. With envy we leaf through magazines with interiors where we see high ceilings and panoramic windows, and sigh, glancing at our modest dwelling. Do not worry, in our arsenal there are simple methods of visual illusions that will help to achieve the effect of high ceilings and window openings.

Increase the height of the doorways. So you can change the proportions of the room. Yes, such doors are somewhat more expensive than standard ones, but believe me, the effect will exceed your expectations. If you are not ready to expand the door or window openings, then increase their height with the help of special decorative overlays - false hoods.

Lift the curtain rod to the ceiling, and also paint it in the color of the walls - this technique will also visually raise the ceiling by a few centimeters.

Play with shades. Color is a powerful tool that allows you to adjust the space of a room: with dark and light shades, we can visually remove and zoom in objects, expand and narrow the space, and play with the height of the ceilings. But color illusions are a vast topic worthy of a separate article.

The above techniques are not difficult to perform, but, armed with them, as well as knowledge of the features of the room, you can create a comfortable and harmonious space, and then everyone will notice only its advantages, and only you will know about its shortcomings.


Arrangement of furniture. Often when planning space, furniture is simply placed around the perimeter, leaving the center of the room free. But, believe me, this is not the only option. Think over the functionality of the room, scenarios of behavior, events and, based on this, make zoning of the space. In a room with the correct zoning, depth appears; in such a room, each member of the family will be able to do what he loves, without disturbing anyone.

The integrity of the design of the living space. Thinking over the design of a separate room, it is worth remembering that the rooms will not be isolated from each other, and the interior design should be based on a common stylistic concept. Having defined the style and idea of   the interior, think about how it will develop in each room.

Scale and proportions. We talked about visual illusions - an artificial change in the proportions of individual interior elements in order to achieve the necessary optical effect. But I want to warn you: it is important to observe the measure and remember the scale and proportions, especially for children's rooms. The main measure in the nursery is the small owner, and everything in it, including drawings and patterns, should be commensurate with its growth. But we do not want our child to be in the country of giants!

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