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How to equip a Bedroom: 4 Components of success

The head of the online school "Time of Order" Alsu Mukhamedshina gives a step-by-step recipe for organizing the bedroom space for your comfort and tranquility.

What is a bedroom for you? Someone has a cozy boudoir for their beloved. Someone has a multitasking room where several family members sleep at once (and sometimes work, play, read and further on the list). And for someone - a dark room is not so much for sleeping as for all things that could not find a place in other rooms. In any case, the arrangement of the bedroom is best done according to the principles of the organization of space.


It is both the simplest and the most complex. Remove all unnecessary from the bedroom and no longer bring items that are not relevant to this room. Most often, the implementation of only this item is enough to become cleaner and more spacious.

Of course, you have to get rid of extra restless things, both clothes and household items. Think what could it be?
  • Things you have not used for more than 6-12 months. The probability that they still come in handy is almost zero.
  • Broken and spoiled things. Either set a clear deadline for repair, or get rid of it without pity.
  • Things that annoy you. If you sincerely do not like them or spoil your mood with all your looks, get rid of them, even if they are in good condition. This is your bedroom! This is a place where you relax, relax and gain strength.
  • Stuff doubles. Dozens of similar creams on the dressing table or figurines on the shelves not only create visual noise, but also complicate cleaning. As long as backup items take their place, it is not enough for something really necessary or just for air, a feeling of free space.


Especially if your bedroom is a multitasking room! Upon entering it, it should immediately be clear where the adults are sleeping, where is the child, where is the place to take care of yourself, and where is the work area. So everyone will be comfortable, and cleaning will be simplified. Try to prevent the “migration” of clothes from the cabinet to the bed or chairs, books from shelves to the floor, and cosmetics from the dresser to the nightstand. When planning, consider the location of items that are important to you. For example, near the bed you always need: charging for gadgets, hand cream, a book, etc. All this can be stacked in drawers or in a stylish basket for small items. Nothing is lying around, the eyes are not annoying, and the necessary items are always at hand.


“Hot spots” are horizontal surfaces where everything gathers. See where you have the hearth of the mess? Dressing table, chest of drawers, bedside tables, open shelves? If there are still a lot of objects, even after rasliming, then various organizers will help you. Sorting by type or purpose of things will greatly simplify the search, cleaning and the process of using them. For example, acrylic organizers for cosmetics, a box for accessories and wicker baskets for the rest of small things. As soon as you neutralize the “hot spots”, the room will immediately become easier to breathe and the visual noise will decrease.


This is not a joke or banality. If you often miss this moment, then it's time to think. An unmade bed in the morning sets you up for slackness and disorganization in all areas of life. It would seem such a trifle, but the room immediately looks untidy, no matter how you try to put things in order.

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