Bekraf facilitates the Certification of Jepara Carved Wood Crafters
This Professional Certification activity is a collaboration between Bekraf and the Processed Wood Professional Certification Institution to support and improve the competency of creative economic actors, especially wood carvers, to be able to compete at both the National and International levels.
In the event, Director of Regulation and Standardization Harmonization, Sabartua Tampubolon conveyed "In order to support the achievement of these tasks and functions, the development of creative economy is considered appropriate because this sector can become a new power center for economic growth. welfare and mastery of science and technology for the nation's children.
To improve the quality of human resources in the creative economy requires a better and more appropriate formalization of professional work related to the expertise and functions of each of its positions. This raises the need for professional standards and certification.
Professional certification is the process of providing competency certificates carried out systematically and objectively through competency tests that refer to national work competency standards (SKKNI) and or international. While the competency standard is a formulation of work ability that includes aspects of knowledge, skills, expertise, and work attitudes that are relevant to the implementation of tasks and job requirements set in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation.
Before taking part in the Professional Certification of Carving Wood Craft Craftsmen, prospective participants go through a selection process first. The selection of prospective participants is carried out by Professional Certification Institutions that are related to professional certification and by the Coordinating Board for Professional Certification for Assessor Certification. The number of participants who passed were 100 people for professional certification and 40 people for assessor certification.
The speakers who attended the event were the Director of Harmonization of Regulation and Standardization, Sabartua Tampubolon; Head of Sub Directorate of Standardization and Certification, Budi Triwinanta; PLT District Head Jepara, Dian Kristiandi; Head of Department of Industry and Trade District. Jepara, Ratib Zaini; and Deputy Chairperson of Furniko LSP, Mukh Arifin.
Creative Economy Agency (Bekraf) is a non-ministerial government institution responsible for the creative economy. Currently, the Head of Bekraf is held by Triawan Munaf.
Bekraf has the task of assisting the President of Indonesia in formulating, establishing, coordinating, and synchronizing creative economic policies in the fields of application and game developer, architecture, interior design, visual communication design, product design, fashion, animation and video, photography, crafts, culinary, music, publishing, advertising, performing arts, art, television and radio.
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