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Business idea: Production of cast and flexible marble.

Business idea: Production of cast and flexible marble.

Starting capital - 4575 USD
Profit per month - 1830 - 2745 USD.
Payback period - 2-4 months.

The production and sale of building and finishing materials has always been considered a profitable direction for starting a business. The main difficulty lies in the choice of a product that will be in demand among customers, and that the equipment for the production department is “lifting” for a novice entrepreneur.

One of such interesting and new directions is the production of flexible stone, the more expensive alternative for consumables is the production of cast marble. Both products are made of marble or quartz chips, sealed with polymerizing agents.

Consumer benefits of flexible and cast marble

The flexible stone is the know-how of the modern construction market, it is a flexible coating of 3 mm thick based on marble chips and acrylic. The coating is lightweight, glued to any type of straight and curved surfaces, completely resistant to precipitation. Its weight does not exceed 3-4 kg per 1 square. meter.

It is possible to glue around with flexible marble both internal elements of the interior, and use it for exterior decoration of houses, including for finishing the surface of the foundation. The color scheme is not limited, the drawings are created by the master, their variations can also be any.

Cast marble or polymer concrete has excellent consumer characteristics. The use of polymer concrete is very wide, from the manufacture of technical components, such as electrolytic baths and drainage systems, to the production of tiles for facing floors, foundations, building blocks.

With a fairly close imitation of the texture of natural marble, cast marble does not have the disadvantages of natural materials. First of all, polymer concrete has a high resistance to dirt, easily repaired. Artificial casting marble is environmentally neutral, used for the manufacture of decor for furniture, plumbing, interior and exterior surface cladding.

In addition, polymer concrete can imitate tinted quartz, marble pebbles, relict sands, malachite, onyx, jasper in appearance. Used for the manufacture of decor.

Features of the production technology.

Both of the above technologies for the production of cast and flexible marble are distinguished by low technology and very high profitability. To organize a small shop will require a room with an area of ​​no more than 20 square meters. meters for mass production - about 100 square meters. meters Investments in equipment are available for almost any person, and the cost of products will actually be determined by the cost of consumables.

This is one of the low-cost and advanced technologies, as a result of which it is possible to produce products, the demand for which in the market considerably exceeds the offer with a very high profitability. So the choice towards the production of molded and flexible marble as an area of ​​business is interesting in the long term.

Note that for the production of single products or small batches of specialized equipment is not required, but can be offered by a number of manufacturers for mass production.

In the production of cast marble, a mixer is used to mix the filling mixture from the filler with the catalyst and polymer resin, brushes and sprays. The technology compares favorably with its budget in relation to the technology of manufacturing artificial stone, since it does not require preparation of the casting mixture in rarefied air conditions.

Rental, purchase of equipment and production equipment.

For manual production will require a workshop with an area of ​​50 square meters. meters to accommodate the production of flexible and molded marble. Rental of premises will cost 3-5 thousand rubles per month.
Equipment for the manufacture of flexible marble, in total, will cost 90 thousand rubles, and most of this amount will go to the purchase of OSB-plates 8-9 mm to make tables for drying the finished product. There are special video workshops in which the issue of making flexible marble is disclosed in detail.

You can start production within 1 week. It is easier to estimate the payback by an example: full facing of the facade of two houses with an area of ​​about 150 sq. M. Metro fully recoup all production costs.

The cost of a package of equipment and molds for the manufacture of cast marble will cost, depending on the manufacturer, 30-90 thousand rubles. The composite material is made from filler, polyester resin and gelcoat. Companies supplying consumables for production and manufacturing forms, conduct free training with customers.


For the work of such production will require 4-8 workers with an average wage of 30 thousand rubles per month. Staff costs, including accountants will be about 270 thousand rubles. In the first months of work, the number of workers may not exceed 2-3 people.

Sales Plan.

The average price of flexible marble on the market is 600 rubles per square meter. meter. When working two people need to make 142 square meters. m to recoup the wages. This volume can be done in about 1 week. Accordingly, the net income in the manufacture of flexible marble by hand will be 120-180 thousand rubles per month.

For example, a tabletop made of artificial marble costs about 4,800 rubles per square meter. meter, the cost of 20-30% of the selling price. Accordingly, 3840 per square. meter is total revenue. To recoup the labor of two workers will need to do a little over 15 square meters meters of worktops. Similar orders may be placed by kitchen furniture companies that have a regular clientele.


Advertise products through building portals. Cooperation with furniture manufacturers is recommended. Use the Internet and your own website as a communication channel. Advertising costs can reach 5-30 thousand rubles.


Thus, the organization of production will need about 90 thousand rubles for equipment, 200 thousand rubles for wages and rent of 5 thousand rubles, a total of about 300 thousand rubles. Net profit from the sale will be 120-180 thousand rubles.
The total yield for the manufacture of flexible and cast marble is about 300%. With the fulfillment of individual orders, it is possible to achieve a recoupment in 3-4 months; when working with regular customers, the recoupment is achieved in 2 months. I wish you success!

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